The Washington Chromatography Discussion Group (WCDG) is hosting an open house and poster session, and invites CSW members to participate! CSW members are invited to present their projects, and posters that have been recently presented at other conferences are welcome.
If you have presented a separations related poster at a scientific meeting recently, submit your abstract and present the poster at our event. There is no cost to attend, and there will be plenty of opportunities to network with other local scientists and begin or strengthen collaboration in our area.
This will be the inaugural year for the
Georges Guiochon Student Travel Award (see attached flyer), which will provide for travel expenses and registration to
HPLC 2016 in San Francisco, CA, as well as the opportunity to present the winning student’s work at an upcoming WCDG meeting. Student posters (high school, undergraduate and graduate students) will be judged at the poster session, and we encourage our members (and their students) to
submit poster titles and abstracts as soon as possible. Posters which have been recently presented at other meetings are both allowed and encouraged.

This year we are also offering the opportunity to self-identify as “seeking opportunities” or “offering opportunities” for the purposes of job hunting, and we will mark your badge accordingly. If you are looking for new opportunities, please bring your resume and/or business cards. If you represent a company that is seeking new talent, please identify one person that would like to discuss the opportunities your company can offer to potential new employees.
Submit an abstract now or register to attend at