In an effort to recognize the immeasurable outreach efforts
made by local section volunteers, the Committee of Community
Activities (CCA) has established the “Local Section Outreach
Volunteers of the Year” recognition program.
CSW Councilor Kim Morehouse was recently awarded a Local
Section Outreach Volunteer of the Year award from ACS for his
outreach involvement within the CSW local section.
Kim, a CSW Councilor, has been involved in outreach activities
for the Chemical Society of Washington for many years. For
over 10 years, Kim has served as the Coordinator for National
Chemistry Week and Chemists Celebrate Earth Day (CCED). He
is also the CSW representative to the Chemathon program, a competition for high chemistry students held at the University of Maryland. He has worked with the ACS headquarters staff for the USA Science and Engineering Festival, volunteering at the event as well as recruiting other volunteers. He has also served as a former CSW President and Treasurer. Please join us in congratulating him for his work!