On December 16, 2015, CSW and the Washington Chromatography Discussion Group will hold a joint meeting at the US Pharmacopeia. Details about the meeting can be found on the WCDG website. Speaker: Ronald E. Majors, LCGC North America, West Chester, PA Title: Top Ten HPLC/UPLC Column Myths Abstract: In any […]
Dinner meeting
Please join CSW on Thursday, May 21, 2015 for a dinner meeting featuring Raleigh W. Parrott II, Chemist-Forensic Examiner for the Explosives Unit of the FBI Laboratory. Mr. Parrott is currently a Chemist –Forensic Examiner for the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, VA. His area of expertise is in the analysis […]
Please join the CSW on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for a dinner meeting featuring Dr. Thomas Connelly, the new Executive Director of the American Chemical Society. The meeting will also feature the presentation of the 2015 Local Section Volunteer of the Year Award to Professor Nevart N. Tahmazian of Montgomery […]
On the chilly evening of Thursday, February 19th, the Chemical Society of Washington welcomed Cecily Grzywacz to the February Dinner Meeting at ACS headquarters for a lecture on Sustainability and our Cultural Heritage. The presentation attracted a diverse crowd of scientist, engineers, and conservationist including guests from the Smithsonian. Cecily […]
On Saturday, January 10, Dr. John Malin, former CSW President, will speak about the history of CSW at the January CSW meeting. The meeting will be held at Old Ebbitt Grill in NW Washington, DC at 11:00 am. Dr. John M. Malin is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. After education […]
Dr. Bill LaCourse, University of Maryland, will speak at the joint Chemical Society of Washington/Washington Chromatography Discussion Group meeting on December 17th at the U.S. Pharmacopeia in Rockville. His talk is entitled, “Adventures in Analysis: New Approaches to Old Problems.” William R. LaCourse is the Dean of the College of […]
Dr. Edward Eisenstein, University of Maryland, will speak at the November dinner meeting on November 19th at The Barking Dog in Bethesda. His talk is entitled, “Bringing Science to the Public: Outreach Matters.” Edward Eisenstein is an Investigator at the University System of Maryland’s (USM) Institute for Bioscience and […]