Project SEED is a flagship program of American Chemical Society because of its unique chemistry related research opportunity to economically disadvantaged HS students. This year CSW supported 18 high school students from Washington DC (McKinley Technology HS, Woodrow Wilson HS), Virginia (Thomas Jefferson HS, John Randolph Tucker HS) and Maryland […]
Contributed by Regina Cody, 2015 Chemistry Olympiad Coordinator Great news for the 2015 CSW High School Chemistry Olympiad! One of our local students not only attended the Study Camp but was a member of the U.S. team that participated in the International Chemistry Olympiad in Baku, Azerbaijan. Read on; details […]
Every year, illegal telemarketing and mail fraud schemes rob consumers, often elderly citizens, of their hard-earned life savings. Come to our luncheon meeting on October 20 and hear the presentation of Charles B. Wickersham, U.S. Postal Inspector: “Protecting Older Americans from Financial Scams”. Charles Wickersham has been a United States […]
Please join us as the American Chemical Society dedicates the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center as a National Historic Chemical Landmark for the isolation of phytochrome. In 1959, researchers at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center first isolated phytochrome, a light-sensitive pigment found throughout plant species. Phytochrome allows plants to […]
The 2015 CSW-SEED Research Symposium will be held on September 12, 2015, 10 am- noon at ACS Headquarters (1155 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036). At the symposium, the 2015 CSW-SEED fellows will be presenting their summer research at the poster/and oral presentation. Project SEED is a flagship program of American Chemical Society […]
The Washington Chromatography Discussion Group (WCDG) is hosting an open house and poster session, and invites CSW members to participate! CSW members are invited to present their projects, and posters that have been recently presented at other conferences are welcome. If you have presented a separations related poster at a scientific meeting recently, […]
By Ajay Mallia Project SEED participants had a rare treat in August when the CSW-SEED committee organized a scientific writing and presentation workshop for them. The goal of the workshop was help empower Project SEED participants to learn to effectively communicate the science they were researching. CSW’s Project SEED program […]
The 3rd Annual ACS Entrepreneurship Summit will be held on September 17-18, 2015. The theme for this year is “Spotlighting the Efforts of Large & Small Chemistry-Based Innovators.” The ACS Entrepreneurial Summit is an event hosted by the American Chemical Society (ACS) highlighting the interplay among chemical entrepreneurs, investors, and large […]
Contributed by Dr. Ajay Mallia On August 1, 2015, CSW’s Project SEED and Education committees organized a career seminar for CSW’s Project SEED fellows. The Project SEED program provides opportunities for economically disadvantaged high school students to do summer internships in chemistry-related research programs under the supervision of a mentor. The2015 […]
At the 250th National Meeting in Boston, the Chemical Society of Washington won two ChemLuminary Awards for CSW’s outstanding work with young chemists in 2014. The ChemLuminary Awards, given by various bodies within ACS, are some of the highest awards ACS can bestow on local sections. They are given to […]