Capital Chemist

600 posts

Save the Date: ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark Designation Ceremony

Please join us as the American Chemical Society dedicates the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center as a National Historic Chemical Landmark for the isolation of phytochrome. In 1959, researchers at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center first isolated phytochrome, a light-sensitive pigment found throughout plant species. Phytochrome allows plants to […]

Message from the President: 2015 CSW Electronic Elections Procedures

The CSW Nominations and Elections Committee is proud to present an outstanding slate of candidates for the 2015 election. Candidates are running for positions as Officers, Councilors and Managers with terms beginning in 2016. Detailed candidate information, including biographies and statements are listed in alphabetical order for each office on the […]

2015 ACS National Election Candidates

More information about ACS policies for elections and campaigning can be found in Bulletin 5, Bylaw V and in Guidelines on Campaigning and Communication. Candidates for President-elect Bryan Balazs Allison A. Campbell   Candidates for Director-at-Large Lee H. Latimer Willem R. Leenstra Ingrid Montes Mary Jo Ondrechen Thomas W. Smith Bryan Balazs Lawrence […]

2015 Local Election Candidate Statements

Candidate for President-elect Jason Schaff Candidate for Secretary Jennifer Young Tanir   Candidates for Councilor Allison A. Aldridge Christopher Avery Darryl A. Boyd Dennis Chamot Bhushan Mandava Kim M. Morehouse Matt Windsor Candidates for Manager Alan M. Ehrlich Zory Glaser Mukes Kapilashrami Amol A. Kulkarni Sara Orski Bradley Scates Nevart Tahmazian […]

Bucket List Achievement Unlocked

By Karina Herrera-Guzman Traveling is an obsession of mine. Since I started to study chemistry as an undergraduate student, I always dreamed about the possibility of traveling. I had heard that science gave you that opportunity. Science isn’t only about exploring the basis of knowledge; it’s also about exploring different cultures […]