Allison A. Aldridge
2025 President
Chemical Society of Washington
Happy New Year, and best wishes for 2025. I welcome you to the Chemical Society of Washington (CSW) new year along with the Board. I encourage you to attend CSW events and I hope to meet more members at our in-person events. We will also continue to have hybrid events.
My goal this year is to get more CSW members at all career levels active in 2025. There are many opportunities for you to become active. We currently have standing committees for Program and Arrangements, Membership, Budget, Audit, Finance and Investment, Awards, Public Relations, a Committee on Bylaws and Standing Rules, Publications, Education, Nominations, Younger Chemists, Public Affairs, the Hillebrand Prize and Long-Range Planning. We also have ad hoc committees for Outreach, Senior chemists, Women chemists and Minority Affairs.
CSW offers programs for Project SEED, Chemistry Olympiad, Chemathon, National Chemistry Week, Earth Day and dinner meetings. We also have a committee to plan the host local section booth at the ACS Fall 2025 meeting in Washington DC. Many volunteers are needed to staff our booth at the convention center.
I’m a public servant for the US. I received my PhD from Loyola University Chicago after working for a government-owned, contractor operated ordinance plant for about nine years. I’ve been active in local sections for many years and it has been very rewarding. I’m also active nationally and I was recently elected to the national Committee on Committees, and I serve as an ACS career consultant. I’ve formed lasting relationships over the years and I’m looking forward to meeting new people.
For more information on CSW events, stay connected with CSW by visiting our website, www.capitalchemist.org and follow us on social media through LinkedIn or X.
I look forward to see you this year!
Allison A. Aldridge