On Saturday, January 10, Dr. John Malin, former CSW President, will speak about the history of CSW at the January CSW meeting. The meeting will be held at Old Ebbitt Grill in NW Washington, DC at 11:00 am.
Dr. John M. Malin is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. After education at high schools in the US and England, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of California, Davis. Subsequently, he held an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship working with future Nobel Laureate Professor Henry Taube at Stanford University. During 1970-73, he was awarded a National Academy of Sciences Overseas Research Fellowship and instituted a new program of research in chemical kinetics at the Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Malin returned to the United States to become Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Missouri – Columbia. In 1980, he served as Program Officer in Chemical Dynamics at the US National Science Foundation, and in 1981, Dr. Malin accepted a position as Assistant Program Administrator for the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research Fund. He became Administrator for Awards and International Activities for American Chemical Society in 1988. He visited many countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe, organizing workshops and exchange programs to stimulate international collaborations in chemistry. Dr. Malin has served as a lecturer at Georgetown University. He retired from ACS employment in 2006.
Dr. Malin has served as President of the Chemical Society of Washington (2007), and as Treasurer, Secretary, and currently as Councilor. He was Chair of the CHEMRAWN (CHEMical Research Applied to World Needs, 2004-2007) committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), and Chair of the IUPAC Management Committee for the International Year of Chemistry (IYC 2011). Dr. Malin has published some 60 papers and articles on chemical and international subjects.
Dr. Malin has received the NSF Superior Performance Award; the Cenu Vojtech Award of the Czech Chemical Society for service to chemistry in the Czech Republic; the Palacky University Medal; the Slovak Chemical Society Medal and the Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Service Award from the Washington Professional Chapter. He has been named a lifetime National Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council.
Abstract: History of the Chemical Society of Washington
The beginnings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1848 led to the organization of sections and soon afterwards to separate societies in many areas of science. By 1873 a chemical branch of AAAS was formed, which included seven future presidents of the American Chemical Society (ACS), and in 1876 Prof. Charles F. Chandler of Columbia University issued an invitation for a group to assemble for the purpose of organizing an American Chemical Society. However, because the new entity was not felt by all to be fully representative, chemists in the Washington, DC area organized the Chemical Society of Washington (CSW), beginning operations in January 1884. Finally in 1892, the groups in New York and Washington, DC joined together becoming local sections of the ACS. This short presentation will outline these and subsequent developments in CSW’s history, as our local section has grown to enrich the professional lives of nearly four thousand members.
Meeting Details
When: Saturday, January 10, 2015, 11:00am – 2:00pm
Agenda: Welcome from CSW President, Recognition of 50- and 60-year members, Featured speaker
Where: Old Ebbitt Grill (675 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005)
Cost: $30 Members and Guests, $15 Students
Menu: Brunch will be served buffet-style, including fresh brewed coffee, teas, orange juice, bacon, sausage, breakfast potatoes, breakfast breads, Old Ebbitt Grill strata, french toast and seasonal fruit.
Reservations: Make reservations by Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 12:00 noon, to the CSW office: [email protected] or 202-659-2650. Please designate the names in your party. The public is invited to attend. You may attend the talk only, but reservations are appreciated. Those who make a reservation, but are unable to attend, should send a check for the cost of their meal to the CSW office.
Parking/Metro: The closest metro stop is Metro Center (Red, Orange, Blue, Silver line). Local parking garages and Valet Parking ($10) are available.