CSW held a Career Seminar for the Project SEED Fellows on August 12th. The panel included five CSW chemists: Joseph Duran, Cardinal Health; Julius Green I, Ph.D., Executive Director of Empowerment Enterprise II and adjunct professor at Northern Virginia Community College; LaKesha Perry, Physical Science/Engineering Technician in the Inorganic Materials Group and the Polymeric Materials Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Louis Poon, Ph.D. candidate at Georgetown University; and Viviana Rodriguez, student at Montgomery College and student fellow at NIST.
The panel discussed their education, careers, and how they solve problems. They answered questions posed by the facilitator, the fellows and their family members as well as CSW volunteers. The fellows were also given information about careers in chemistry. The evaluations for the event were outstanding, and we also received ideas to enhance the event for the future.
As Project SEED coordinator, I am grateful for the CSW volunteers that agreed to participate on the panel and those who supported the event. Please join us for Project SEED 2018 as a volunteer by sending an email to [email protected].
If you can sponsor a Project SEED fellow at your university or institution, please send an email to [email protected]. Information about the program is available at: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/students/highschool/seed.html?_ga=2.231778847.1065033710.1510690622-343669225.1460404354
The Project SEED program is financially supported by the National Project SEED program and our local section. Please contribute to the Noel Turner Fund to help sustain our local section program. Checks payable to the Noel Turned Fund can be sent to the CSW Local Section Office, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.