The Thirty-fifth Annual Chemathon will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019. The Chemathon is an annual chemistry competition for high school chemistry students in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The Chemathon competition is organized by a committee of area high school chemistry teachers and chemists, and is hosted by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland at College Park. The Chemathon is open to all area high schools that would like to participate. There are two competitive tracks; Level I: for students who have not taken and are not currently taking AP Chemistry or IB Chemistry and have not previously participated in Chemathon, and Level II: aimed at students at the AP and/or IB level as well as previous contestants. The theme for the chemistry signs (posters) this year is “Chemistry of the Atmosphere.” There is no entry or registration fee. If you are a high school chemistry teacher and would like your students to participate in this event, please see the Chemathon website for information on how to register your school (http://www2.chem.umd.edu/chemathon/).
The Chemical Society of Washington will once again be a sponsor of this event. Volunteers are needed to help judge the poster contest as well as to assist with some of the activities that the students will be competing in. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Kim Morehouse via e-mail at [email protected].