304 posts

CSW 2017 President Jason E. Schaff presents Dr. Zakya H. Kafafi with the 2017 Hillebrand Prize on March 29, 2018

The Hillebrand Prize — named for William F. Hillebrand (1853-1925), one of Washington’s most distinguished chemists — is awarded for original contributions to the science of chemistry by member(s) of CSW. Dr. Kafafi received this award in recognition of her pioneering contributions to organic optics and electronics technologies through innovative […]

CSW 2018 President Dr. Allison A. Aldridge presents Betsy Jean Yakes with the 2018 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award on March 29, 2018

The Outstanding Volunteer of the Year was established by the Committee of Community Activities (CCA) to recognize the immeasurable outreach efforts made by local section volunteers. Each local section has an opportunity to recognize one individual annually for demonstrating extraordinary outreach volunteer service within the section. Since she was an […]

RSVP By April 9 for the April 11th SME D.C. Section Luncheon with presentation on “Product Driven Assessment of Alternative Aggregates”

SME D.C. Section April Meeting – Krumb Lecture STEVEN J. STOKOWSKI, JR. Product-Driven Assessment of Alternative Aggregates The optimum method to successfully develop products from nontraditional aggregate sources is to identify and then exploit unique features. Unique and valuable features are often color, shape, specific gravity, reflectivity, crystalline texture, hardness, […]