CSW Events

117 posts

Celebrate National Chemistry Week October 16-22, 2016: “Solving Mysteries through Chemistry!”

Contributed by Kim Morehouse, CSW NCW Coordinator   The NCW 2016 theme is “Solving Mysteries through Chemistry”, focusing on the science behind the use of chemistry in forensics.  The electronic version of the Celebrating Chemistry Newsletter is available from the ACS website (www.acs.org/ncw). Each year the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) […]

CSW’s Project SEED Program Still Going Strong!

Contributed by Faye Rubinson, CSW Project SEED Co-Chair CSW’s Project SEED program is alive and well, despite the departure of long-time Project SEED chairman, Dr. Ajay Mallia, in July. Our three events this summer—an orientation session, a career panel, and a workshop on technical presentations and writing—have been well-attended, and […]

CDER Small Business Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI) Pharmaceutical Quality Symposium July 20-21, 2016

CDER Small Business and Industry Assistance (SBIA) invites you to join us for this two-day in-depth exploration into the world of pharmaceutical quality. Interact with FDA’s subject matter experts from our Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ) as we address topics such as: Microbial Controls Manufacturing Process Facilities Assessment Method Validation […]

Hillebrand Prize Recipient Stephen A. Wise to Speak at April Meeting

On April 26, 2016 Dr. Stephen A. Wise, Senior Analytical Chemist and Program Coordinator for Food and Nutrition within the Chemical Sciences Division of NIST, will receive the 2015 Hillebrand Prize and be the featured speaker for the evening. Logistical details can be found on the next page. The selection […]

83rd Retired Chemists Group Luncheon

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Alfio’s La Tratoria Restaurant 4515 Willard Ave., Chevy Chase, MD   Social: (no- host bar): 11:30 am – 12:00 noon Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Speaker: 1:15 – 2:00 pm   Speaker: Robert Luskin, Attorney Subject: “What do Lance Armstrong and Karl Rove have in Common?”   Abstract From Abscam to Benghazi, every few years, Washington falls victim to scandal derangement syndrome, with obsessive, 24/7 coverage of whatever has captured […]