Dear USA Science & Engineering Festival Supporters, The health and well-being of our Festival community are of utmost importance to us. With this in mind, the Festival leadership has made the necessary decision to postpone the April USA Science & Engineering Festival (USASEF) until further notice. This postponement includes the […]
Capital Chemist
Dear members of the MARM community, The organizing committee of the 2020 Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, that was to be held June 12-13, 2020 at the CUNY Graduate Center and St. John’s University, has been monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Unfortunately, the decision has been made to terminate MARM 2020 in the interest […]
Regrettably because of the coronavirus outbreak, we are postponing Rockville Science Day 2020 to a later date in summer or fall 2020. The Rockville Science Center can be a catalyst for science literacy. We can help weather the storm and prepare for the future. Bob Ekman, Rockville Science Center Trustee […]
As part of the Chemists Celebrate Earth Day activities, the American Chemical Society is sponsoring an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten through 12 grades. Students are asked to write and illustrate a poem using the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week 2020 theme, ” Protecting Our Planet through Chemistry.” This […]
Congratulations to the ten students who received the College Achievement Awards for this year: Ivy Antunes ( St. Mary’s College of Maryland), Helen Havens Clark (Georgetown University), Deanna Greco (The Catholic University of America), Janelle Junior (The University of the District of Columbia), Favian Liu (American University), Arianna Lopez (American […]
Parkland will be having its annual STEM night on Thursday, March 5, 2020. We are looking for judges for our science projects and presentation or hands-on exhibits to share information. If you are interested in helping please complete the google form by clicking on the link below. Thank you […]
We are pleased to invite you to attend the Global Women’s Breakfast on Wednesday, February 12, from 8:30-10:00 AM in Othmer A/B at ACS Headquarters (1155 Sixteenth Street, NW: Washington, DC 20036), with live streaming of the event to those unable to attend in person. Please register for this event […]
The Optical Society (OSA) and IEEE PhotonicsCall for Science Fair Judges, Spring 2020 Please contact Peter Blake by email([email protected]) or phone (202-386-1636) to volunteer. The National Capital Section of the Optical Society and the IEEE Photonics Society Wash/NVA Chapter are looking for special subject judges in optics and photonics for the […]
Congratulations to CSW chemist and current CSW Budget Chair Bree Taylor on a great interview with ACS Industry Matters. Check out the recent article profiling Bree’s work as a data quality analyst at Decernis.
Congratulations to Corina McClure, ACS Scholar (2012-2014), FDA analytical chemist, and current CSW YCC chair on her interview in the January C&E News!