Capital Chemist

601 posts

CSW YCC Career Day – April 15th

YCC Career Day will be held Sunday, April 15th from 10 am to 3 pm at ACS Headquarters There will be three CSW members giving presentations on their experiences in various employment sectors including: Dr. Steven Cummings, Assistant Professor, Howard University Dr. Richard Goodman, Industrial Chemist and Consultant, RMG Consulting […]

CCEW announcments

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week a program of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Theme: “Dive into Marine Chemistry” Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) is a community-based program of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This annual program unites ACS local sections, student chapters, technical divisions, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the […]

Mid Atlantic Regional Meeting – June 3, 2018

Mid Atlantic Regional Meeting NanoMARM Small Meeting Big Results A One Day Meeting for the Mid-Atlantic Region June 3, 2018 Lehigh University, Iaccoca Hall Bethlehem, PA Meeting Highlights General Poster Sessions: 12:00-2:00PM, and 2:00-4:00 PM Chemagination 12:00-4:30PM Oral Sessions 12:00-2:00PM, and 2:00-4:00PM Plenary Speaker: 4:00 PM Dr. Jenny Rampling, Assistant Professor, History […]