Capital Chemist

601 posts

Event: OSA February Dinner Meeting

Sponsored by the National Capital Section – The Optical Society The National Capital Section of the Optical Society is hosting a dinner meeting on February 20th, 2018. Additional information can be found the linked flyer (below). CSW members are welcomed and encouraged to attend if interested. 6:00-6:30 social gathering 6:30-7:30 […]

YCC Career Day

YCC CSW career day will be Saturday, April 14th, starting at 10 am, at ACS Headquarters (1155 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036). There will be a mixture of presentations, a career panel, and round tables for resources and small group discussions on chemistry careers with local CSW members. If […]

WAS Accepting Nominations for Awards

The Washington Academy of Sciences has presented several prestigious awards in several areas to local scientists, engineers and educators since 1940. Nominations are now open for the 2018 awards, and the deadline by e-mail is March 1, 2018. WAS will consider nominations submitted in any scientific or engineering discipline, including […]

College Chemistry Achievement Award Honorees

The CSW Monthly Dinner Meeting on February 8th featured presentation of the College Chemistry Achievement Awards, which awards are presented annually by the Chemical Society of Washington to outstanding seniors majoring in chemistry and biochemistry from each of the area colleges and universities. Photo credit: Allison Aldridge Honorees (Left to […]

WAS Journal seeking manuscripts

The Editor of the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sethanne Howard, would like to remind us all that the Journal is continuously accepting manuscript for publication. Submissions from all science and engineering disciplines are welcomed. The Journal is peer-reviewed and has no page charges. The turn-around time […]