32 posts

CMA Sponsored Events: Youth Outreach Event April 29th and Career Day May 7th!

The Committee on Minority Affairs (CMA) held its Career Day May 7, 2023 from 2-4pm at ACS HQ in Marvel Hall, including career consultants including CSW’s Allison Aldridge, along with consultants from industry and academia. Events include, but are not limited to resume reviews, mock interviews, and career consultant speakers. Career […]

Division of Analytical Chemistry Offering Travel Awards for Younger Chemists

The Division of Analytical Chemistry is offering travel awards for Younger Chemists (under age 35) to travel to a meeting to present the results of their research. Individuals who may not have previously been able to participate in professional meetings and chemists from under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. […]

*The deadline to submit your application for the Student Travel Award to attend the ACS Spring Meeting has been extended to February 3rd*

The Chemical Society of Washington offers a travel award to defray travel and/or registration costs to National ACS meetings. This award is open to current graduate and undergraduate students in the jurisdiction of the Chemical Society of Washington. The award is not intended for post‐doctoral fellows. A total of three […]

ACS Navigator LIVE! Career Day for the DC Metro Area on February 8th: Washington Plaza Hotel

Career Navigator Live presents ACS Career Day DC Metro Area – Feb. 8, 2020. This is an exciting one-day event filled with career-changing workshops and networking opportunities for chemistry professionals. This free career day is designed to help job seekers reach their career goals. Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020, Time: 8:00 […]