5 posts

CMA Sponsored Events: Youth Outreach Event April 29th and Career Day May 7th!

The Committee on Minority Affairs (CMA) held its Career Day May 7, 2023 from 2-4pm at ACS HQ in Marvel Hall, including career consultants including CSW’s Allison Aldridge, along with consultants from industry and academia. Events include, but are not limited to resume reviews, mock interviews, and career consultant speakers. Career […]

Thank You from the Committee on Minority Affairs

The Committee on Minority Affairs would like to thank everyone for submitting for National HBCUWeek! It was amazing to see and get to know members of CSW and spotlight them and their HBCU.Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) helped Black Americans pursue professional careers,earn graduate degrees, and advance their education […]

History of HBCUs

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) were established after the Civil War to provide African Americans with access to a full education. Cheyney University, the first HBCU, was founded in 1837 by Richard Humphreys to teach African Americans skills for employment. Thereafter, most were created by philanthropist and free blacks. […]