The 2015 CSW-SEED Research Symposium will be held on September 12, 2015, 10 am- noon at ACS Headquarters (1155 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036). At the symposium, the 2015 CSW-SEED fellows will be presenting their summer research at the poster/and oral presentation. Project SEED is a flagship program of American Chemical Society […]
CSW Events
The Washington Chromatography Discussion Group (WCDG) is hosting an open house and poster session, and invites CSW members to participate! CSW members are invited to present their projects, and posters that have been recently presented at other conferences are welcome. If you have presented a separations related poster at a scientific meeting recently, […]
The 3rd Annual ACS Entrepreneurship Summit will be held on September 17-18, 2015. The theme for this year is “Spotlighting the Efforts of Large & Small Chemistry-Based Innovators.” The ACS Entrepreneurial Summit is an event hosted by the American Chemical Society (ACS) highlighting the interplay among chemical entrepreneurs, investors, and large […]
Contributed by Kim Morehouse, CSW NCW Coordinator The NCW 2015 theme is “Chemistry Colors Our World”, focusing on the chemistry of food colors and fireworks, rainbows, natural dyes and pigments, and more. The electronic version of the Celebrating Chemistry Newsletter is available from the ACS website ( Each year the […]
Contributed by Caroline Trupp Gil To assist patent examiners at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) keep current on latest developments in the chemical sciences, OPA staff partnered with members of the ACS Chemical Society of Washington to arrange 5 speakers to participate in a USPTO Technology Day held July 28. Speakers […]
On May 18-19, the free workshop Chemistry and Engineering of Shale Gas and Tight Oil Resource Development will bring together members of industry, government, and academia to discuss the role of chemistry and chemical engineering at each stage of the hydraulic fracturing process—from formulation of the chemicals and fluids that […]
Please join CSW on Thursday, May 21, 2015 for a dinner meeting featuring Raleigh W. Parrott II, Chemist-Forensic Examiner for the Explosives Unit of the FBI Laboratory. Mr. Parrott is currently a Chemist –Forensic Examiner for the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, VA. His area of expertise is in the analysis […]
On the chilly evening of Thursday, February 19th, the Chemical Society of Washington welcomed Cecily Grzywacz to the February Dinner Meeting at ACS headquarters for a lecture on Sustainability and our Cultural Heritage. The presentation attracted a diverse crowd of scientist, engineers, and conservationist including guests from the Smithsonian. Cecily […]
Contributed by Kim Morehouse, CCED Coordinator Earth Day was first officially recognized on April 22, 1970 as a way to demonstrate support for a healthy environment, raise awareness about environmental issues, and remind people that we all need to contribute to a sustainable planet. For years, chemists have been promoting […]
Contributed by Ajay Mallia, YCC Co-chair Please join CSW’s Younger Chemists Committee on February 24th for a group viewing of Chemistry on the Silver Screen, a webinar being held by the ACS Webinars Program. CSW’s YCC is sponsoring a networking event prior to the webinar, and encourage you to attend […]