Professional Experience: Education: PhD Candidate in Chemistry and Biochemistry at George Mason University Volunteer Activities: I volunteer in a few different groups for chemistry-related activities, including mentoring, project seed, and CSW. I love all my positions, but I especially like working with CSW to create events as the YCC co-chair […]
volunteer spotlight
3 posts
Professional Experience: Retired, Research Chemist at the FDA/CFSAN Education: Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame Volunteer Activities: I have been a volunteer for CSW on many committees and have been involved with several Outreach Activities; such as National Chemistry Week, Chemists Celebrate Earth Week, and Chemathon for […]
Carissa Hunter Professional Experience: Academic and Student Affairs Coordinator, College of Science, George Mason University Education: Ph.D. Student at George Mason University Volunteer Activities: I have volunteered with the Committee of Minority Affairs for a year now. I have also volunteered with the Younger Chemist Committee. For the Committee on […]