National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a public awareness campaign that promotes the value of chemistry in everyday life. ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate NCW by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry. Each year the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) NCW campaign reaches millions of people with positive messages about the contributions of chemistry to their daily lives. NCW is a community-based annual event that unites ACS local sections, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. It is the one time during the year that chemists, regardless of background, unite with the common goal of spreading the word that chemistry is good for our economy, our health and our well-being.
Stick with chemists across the world in celebrating #NationalChemistryWeek 2020 with the theme “Sticking with Chemistry” from October 18-24, 2020. Explore the world of glues and adhesives! #NCW #StickyChemistry #Chemistry An adhesive is something used to stick things together. There are all sorts of adhesives for different uses and they stick in many different ways. You will learn more about the chemistry of glues and adhesives in this year’s issue of Celebrating Chemistry. The electronic version of the Celebrating Chemistry Newsletter is available from the ACS website (

This year, NCW will be a virtual event. Be sure to check the Capital Chemist website ( for some of the fun virtual events that the Chemical Society of Washington (CSW), and the ACS Office of Community Activities, will be hosting for NCW 2020. For further information, or to volunteer, contact the CSW NCW coordinator, Kim M. Morehouse via e-mail at [email protected], or by phone at 301-384-7311.