NO LATER THAN AUGUST 15, 2024 — download form
The annual election of Officers, Councilors, and Managers-At-Large of the Chemical Society of Washington will be held in October/November 2024 in accordance with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Section. All eligible CSW Members are invited and encouraged to submit nominations for the open positions. Self-nomination is acceptable. Elected members have general charge of the business and affairs of the CSW. Each member of the Board is expected to attend all Board meetings, normally five per year, and to serve on at least one CSW committee. Additionally, Councilors serve as CSW’s representatives to ACS governance and are expected to attend all meetings of the ACS Council, held in conjunction with the ACS National Meetings, if at all possible. Alternate Councilors serve as backups for Councilors who are unable to attend a Council meeting.
Nominations should be submitted to the CSW Office no later than August 15, 2024. Nominations should be emailed to the CSW administrator with the subject line of “CSW Nomination.” All CSW members are eligible for nomination, although student members may only serve as Managers-at-Large. CSW welcomes all who are willing to participate, including those who have not previously held positions in CSW. Incumbents are eligible for nomination to the same position (if the term expires) or any other position as Officer, Councilor, or Manager-At-Large. Please note that all candidates will be provided with a form to fill out for publication in the Capital Chemist, on the CSW website and in the voting materials to be sent out.
The following positions are open for election this year:
- President-Elect (one year as President-Elect, one year as President, one year as Past-President)
- Treasurer (serving a two-year term)
- 6 Managers-At-Large (serving two-year terms)
- 3 Councilors (serving three-year terms)
- 2 Alternate Councilors (serving three-year terms)
Current Officers:
President: Lauren Ragle
President-Elect: Allison A. Aldridge
Immediate Past President: Alessandra Zimmermann
Secretary: Lee Nagao
Treasurer: Reyniak A. Richards
Through 2026: Raychelle Burks, Alessandra Zimmermann
Through 2025: LaKesha Perry, Nevart Tahmazian, Xiaoyong Lu
Through 2024: Allison A. Aldridge, Stephanie Moffitt, Janice Reutt-Robey
Alternate Councilors:
Through 2026: Novella Bridges, Wesley Farrell, Alexander Zestos
Through 2025: Joseph Duran, Ravinder Paul Lall, Sarah Ward
Through 2024: Gloria Bazargan, Monika Konaklieva
Through 2025: Matthew Diasio, Carissa Hunter, Pritha Roy, Eva-Maria Rudler,
Savanah Shumaker, Brandi Toliver
Through 2024: Steven Cummings, Lyle Isaacs, Jason Johnston, Kehinde Joshua
Jason Schaff, Jacqueline Smith