The Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) will be
held May 28-31, 2025, at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. This meeting
will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the North Jersey Section of the ACS. A plenary lecture
will be given by Nobel Laureate Morten Meldal (2022); a co-recipient for his work on the
development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry. Keynote lectures will be presented
by Phaedria St. Hilaire, angel investor and co-founder of ProWoC (Professional Women of
Color) and by Rebecca Ruck, Associate Vice President in Process Research & Development at
Merck & Company and co-founder of EWOC (Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry).
Programming is accepted in all areas of chemistry. Organized symposia areas include Advances
in AI in Chemistry, Biomaterials, Optical Materials, Environmental Chemistry, Mechanistic
Organometallic Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Biochemistry, Green Chemistry and
Organic/Medicinal Chemistry.