ACS Practice Presentations March 10th

Please come present your ACS talk to your peers to practice and get feedback on your presentation before the New Orleans National Meeting! Other technical presentations in addition to ACS are also welcome.

The Details: March 10th starting at 10 am at Howard University Department of Chemistry, room G-9 (The Chemistry Building (CHB) is located at 525 College Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20059)

If you’d like to give a practice presentation – please send your abstract, presentation number (division and presentation number if for ACS) and the total allotted time for your presentation (they can vary between depending on the symposium) to [email protected] by March 1st so the abstract schedule can be finalized and sent out. You can also submit abstracts for non-ACS talks (seminars, interviews) as well. Please include a brief statement of who you are speaking to, if presenting a non-ACS talk, so we’ll be able to give appropriate feedback appropriate for your future audience.

Here are a few links on good tips for scientific presentations:

We look forward to seeing you there!