266 posts

CSW CMA Networking Social on November 10, 2023, was a huge success!

The recent networking social at Busboys and Poets, organized by the CSW Committee on Minority Affairs, was a huge success. The day was super rainy, but 15 members and non-members still showed up. There were students from George Mason University, Georgetown University, University of Maryland–and from as far away as […]

Recording is now available — CSW 140th Anniversary Dinner Meeting on January 23, 2024

The January dinner meeting will celebrate 140 Years of CSW! This event has concluded – you may view the recording online Meeting Logistics Date:          Tuesday, January 23, 2024 Time:          6:00 p.m. Check-in/Social Hour                    6:30 p.m. Dinner                    7:00 p.m. Speaker Presentation Location:   ACS Headquarters – Marvel Hall                    1155 16th […]

CSW Election Results & 2024 Board of Managers

Congratulations to the newly elected members of CSW’s Board of Managers! Here are the results of theannual CSW election, which closed on November 15, and our 2024 Board of Managers: PRESIDENTLauren Ragle – 2024 PRESIDENT-ELECTAllison Aldridge – 2024 – newly elected IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENTAlessandra Zimmermann – 2024 SECRETARYLee Nagao – 2024-2025 […]

Dupont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy – December 1, 2023 (hybrid event)

Program and RSVP: https://ipsonet.org/conferences/the-dupont-summit/ View the flyer The Policy Studies Organization invites you and your colleagues to attend the 2023 Dupont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (hybrid event). The purpose of the Dupont Summit is to promote interdisciplinary conversation about pressing issues related to the politics and policy of […]

Workshop: “Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture” – October 29, 2023 (via Zoom)

We are excited to announce the upcoming ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety Virtual Workshop “Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture”, scheduled for Sunday, October 29, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM ET, hosted via Zoom.   **About the Workshop:**  This interactive workshop provides an opportunity for frontline researchers […]

October 5, 2023 JHU Facilities Open House & Tour, followed by Award Lecture and Reception in Honor of 2022 Remsen Awardee Prof. Scott Miller

On Thursday October 5, 2023, JHU Chemistry will host two events of interest to the Maryland community of chemical scientists. Attendees are welcome to attend either event or both.  We are hosting an award lecture and reception in honor of Prof. Scott Miller (Yale University), the 2022 recipient of the […]

Teacher Travel Grant Available for 28th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education

The 28th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), will be held at the University of Kentucky from July 28 – August 1, 2024. The conference will be organized around four themes within the K-12, two-year college, and university communities: Classroom Practice and Learning Environments, Curriculum and Cognition, Assessment and Research […]

Women Chemists Committee invites you to a networking event via Zoom on Oct. 13, 2023 – 3-4p (ET)

The ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) continues its vision of equal representation and influence in the chemistry enterprise through its mission of engagement, advancement, and advocacy for women. In celebration of National Chemistry Week 2023, the Women Chemists of Color (WCoC) is hosting this networking event with discussions on exploring […]

Volunteers needed for Community Science Night at Parkland Magnet Middle School on November 16th, 2023

The Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aerospace Technology in Rockland, Maryland will be holding a Community Science Night on November 16th, 2023. The Magnet Coordinator and organizer, Patricia Thompson, is seeking volunteers to help with the event. Volunteers can reach out to Patricia at [email protected].