The Spooky Mad Science Expo is an annual event that celebrates science each year at Halloween with activities for all ages. This year’s event will be held at Armistead Boothe Park (520 Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA) on Saturday, October 21 (rain date: October 28), from 3 pm to 7pm. CSW […]
spooky science
3 posts
The Watergate Youth Committee will be holding its sixth annual science event (Spooky Science Expo) for kids and teens at the terrace lounge ( 211 Yoakum PKWY, Alexandria, VA 22304) on Saturday October 15 (October 22 rain day) from 3 to 7 pm. The event celebrates science and Halloween. The science club […]
CSW participated in the third annual Spooky Mad Science Expo at the Watergate at Landmark in Alexandria, Virginia. The event to combined Halloween and science learning projects. On October 5, CSW volunteers Christina Mainka and Allison Aldridge made polymer worms and gave out glow sticks to the children. The children […]