The National Capital Section of OPTICA (OSA) sends judges to our regional science fairs to select outstanding exhibits with a general interest in the fields of optics and photonics. This year, as in the past two virus affected years, judging will be done virtually with students’ projects accessible on line. The science […]
Each year as part of National Chemistry Week (NCW) activities, the American Chemical Society (ACS) sponsors an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten – 12th grades. CSW sponsors a local NCW Illustrated Poem contest. This year’s contest focused on chemistry associated with glues and adhesives with the theme, “Fast […]
One of the activities for celebrating National Chemistry Week 2021 “Fast or Slow- Chemistry Makes it Go” for the Chemical Society of Washington will be on October 22 at the Rockville Town Center . This event will be hosted by the Rockville Science Center Organization. CSW will be collaborating with […]
The Chemical Society of Washington would like to remind its members and anyone interested in providing chemistry related activities that can easily be performed at home using materials that are available at your local store that the ACS is making educational resources available by topic to aid parents and teachers […]
A recording is now available for the April 23, 2021 joint virtual event of CSW and the STEM ED Community Club at Montgomery College, Rockville, featuring several students presenting on footprint reduction tools and examples as well as an award winning solar powered energy project. Access Passcode: B5S@UvgD The […]
As part of the Chemists Celebrate Earth Day activities, the American Chemical Society is sponsoring an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten through 12 grades. Students are asked to write and illustrate a poem using the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week 2021 theme, “Reducing Our Footprint with Chemistry.” This year’s […]
You are invited and encouraged to participate in the Fairfax County Regional Science & Engineering Fair. It is a great opportunity to support the science fair and the students who have worked long and hard on their projects. Below are some key dates/deadlines: · March 8-12 – project list and abstracts […]
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL EXPERIENCE The CSW Committee on Minority Affairs presents a graduate student panel seminar being held February 23rd at 6:00 pm A panel of 4 graduate students from different local universities will share advice and answer questions related to their graduate school experiences. Please contact LaKesha Perry at […]
Chemistry Shorts is a new series of brief films that spotlight innovative ways that chemists and chemical engineers are working to solve important problems and create new opportunities. Each film is accompanied by a lesson plan that offers suggestions on how to integrate it into the classroom. The first three […]
Carissa Hunter volunteered at the Mad Spooky Science Expo in Alexandria, VA (hosted by thecommunity Science Club) held on October 17th. The event was held outside and had COVID-19protocols in place. The CSW table was a favorite and had a lot of participants. Thank you to all who participated!