The results of the 2017 CSW elections are below. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to stand for election in this cycle! OFFICERS President: Allison A. Aldridge President-elect: Christopher W. Avery Immediate Past President: Jason E. Schaff Secretary: LaKesha N. Perry Treasurer: Wesley Farrell COUNCILORS 2018 – 2020 John M. […]
Capital Chemist
UPDATE: Around 20 local chemists attended to network, enjoy refreshments, and hear about upcoming YCC events in 2018. Thank you to everyone who attended and the staff at The Prospect for the great hospitality! Happy Holidays! (If you’re not receiving YCC emails and would like to be added to the […]
On Saturday, December 9th, the December CSW meeting will be held at Alfio’s La Trattoria, featuring a presentation by Dr. Carl G. Simon, Jr. This meeting is co-sponsored by the CSW Senior Chemists Committee. Logistics can be found below. Biography: Dr. Carl G. Simon, Jr Dr. Simon is a biologist […]
CSW held a Career Seminar for the Project SEED Fellows on August 12th. The panel included five CSW chemists: Joseph Duran, Cardinal Health; Julius Green I, Ph.D., Executive Director of Empowerment Enterprise II and adjunct professor at Northern Virginia Community College; LaKesha Perry, Physical Science/Engineering Technician in the Inorganic Materials […]
CSW held a joint symposium with the National Capital Area Chapter of the Society of Toxicology (NCAC-SOT) on October 13, 2017 on “TSCA: Best Practices in Toxicology, Risk, and Chemical Management Strategies.” The successful event attracted over 75 attendees, plus over 40 additional participants connected via webinar, and 26 poster […]
Contributed by John Malin and Darryl Boyd, CSW Committee on Public Relations The nomination deadline for the CSW Chemical Ambassadors Award has been extended to December 31, 2017. This award will honor a CSW member whom also serves as an ACS Chemistry Ambassador. Qualifications for nomination are broad in scope, […]
You are invited to our Section’s next 2017 meeting on Tuesday 12DEC2017, 11:30 – 13:00. If interested, register at Safety Systems was the #2 topic area requested by our members and friends in our 2017 survey. Earlier this year we hosted a three-hour workshop on Safety Instrumented System (SIS) functional safety, […]
The CSW Nominations and Elections Committee is proud to present an outstanding slate of candidates for the 2017 election. Candidates are running for positions as Officers, Councilors, and Managers with terms beginning in 2018. Detailed candidate information, including biographies and statements, are listed in alphabetical order for each office on […]
Contributed by Joe Antonucci, Chair, Senior Chemists Committee As you may know, the Retired Chemist Group (RCG) was established in 1988 to provide social and professional engagement for CSW members who are retired. Recently, the RCG has been unable to adequately serve this population due to several factors, including the […]
Contributed by Allison Aldridge, Project SEED Coordinator CSW’s Project SEED committee held a scientific writing and presentation workshop to help prepare our Project SEED Fellows for the Project SEED poster session at the 254th National ACS Meeting during Sci Mix. The workshop was held on July 22nd at ACS Headquarters […]