You are invited to our Section’s next 2017 meeting on Tuesday 12DEC2017, 11:30 – 13:00. If interested, register at Safety Systems was the #2 topic area requested by our members and friends in our 2017 survey. Earlier this year we hosted a three-hour workshop on Safety Instrumented System (SIS) functional safety, […]
CSW Events
On Thursday, November 16th, the November CSW meeting will be held at ACS Headquarters, featuring a presentation by Dr. Eugene Mazzola. Logistics can be found below. Biography: Dr. Eugene Mazzola Eugene P. Mazzola was born on Feb. 2, 1942 in Montclair, New Jersey. He obtained an A.B. degree in 1964 […]
President-Elect Christopher W. Avery Councilor Novella N. Bridges Monika I. Konaklieva John M. Malin N. Bhushan Mandava Sara Orski Jennifer Y. Tanir Secretary LaKesha N. Perry Manager Regina Cody Rebecca Frey-Cooper Zory R. Glaser Julius Green Mukes Kapilashrami Nevart Tahmazian Iris R. Wagstaff
TSCA: Best Practices in Toxicology, Risk, and Chemical Management Strategies Time: October 13, 2017, Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Location: American Chemical Society (ACS) Headquarters 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036 Metro: Blue/Orange/Silver Line: McPherson Square or Farragut West. Red Line: Farragut North. Parking: Parking is available in […]
The Chemical Society of Washington will conduct its election of Officers, Councilors, and Managers with electronic ballots. If you are a full CSW member and have a valid e-mail address on file with The American Chemical Society, then on or about October 11 you will receive an e-mail with instructions […]
Joint CSW/WCDG Meeting 10/18 On Wednesday, October 18th, CSW and the Washington Chromatography Discussion Group (WCDG) will host a joint meeting at ACS Headquarters, featuring a presentation by John Hanover from the National Institutes of Health. Logistics can be found below. Biography: Dr. John Hanover Dr. Hanover carried out his […]
On May 11th, Gene Peters, Chief of Counterterrorism and Forensic Science Research at the FBI Laboratory, will speak about the proposed spent nuclear fuel repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Meeting logistics can be found below. Biography Gene Peters is Chief of Counterterrorism and Forensic Science Research at the FBI Laboratory. […]
Greenhouse Gas Removal by its Transformation to Valuable Commodities Stuart Licht, Department of Chemistry, George Washington University As the levels of carbon dioxide increase in the Earth’s atmosphere, this greenhouse gas’s effects on climate change including species extinction, flooding, draught, famine and economic disruption become increasingly apparent. An incentive to remove […]
Early registration closes April 28th! Register now. 2017 NextGen GreenChem Workshop: Making Green Chemistry Work for You Looking to sharpen your Green Chemistry knowledge and professional skills? The NextGen GreenChem Workshop provides undergraduate and graduate students, as well as post-doctoral scholars, unique opportunities for professional development along with practical examples of […]
Early registration closes April 28th! Register now. 2017 NextGen GreenChem Workshop: Making Green Chemistry Work for You Looking to sharpen your Green Chemistry knowledge and professional skills? The NextGen GreenChem Workshop provides undergraduate and graduate students, as well as post-doctoral scholars, unique opportunities for professional development along with practical examples of […]