The Younger Chemists Committee, with the support of the GMU ACS Graduate Chemistry Club, sponsored a Pottery Painting class on October 25, 2024, during National Chemistry Week. Attendees were able to pick a piece of pottery and paint it while enjoying ice cream and light conversation.
Younger Chemists
3 posts
CSW Committee on Minority Affairs and Younger Chemist Committee had an amazing social and winery tasting/tour on Sunday March 24th at District Winery. We learned that the grapes grown and harvested are shipped to them between the months of August and November as no vineyard are nearby. We learned about […]
Given the warming weather and the potential of seeing an early cherry blossom, the Younger Chemists Committee will be exploring the If/ThenSheCan exhibit on the National Mall. We will meet up by the World War II memorial for a picnic lunch (bring your own lunch) before walking (or taking the […]