Contributed by Ajay Mallia, YCC Co-chair
Please join CSW’s Younger Chemists Committee on February 24th for a group viewing of Chemistry on the Silver Screen, a webinar being held by the ACS Webinars Program. CSW’s YCC is sponsoring a networking event prior to the webinar, and encourage you to attend from one of three locations: Marymount University, Georgetown University, or University of Maryland, College Park. Please see below for more details.

Updated 3/30:

The event was moderated by Tim Marney, Editor for the ACS Symposium Series and Darcy Gentleman, ACS Office of Public Affairs. Dr. Donna Nelson (Science Advisor to the AMC television show Breaking Bad and ACS President Elect) discussed about her success story as science advisor in the AMC television show Breaking Bad. Mr. Alexis Gambis, Founder and Artistic Director of Imagine Science Films, Mr. Kevin Grazier Science Advisor for television series and movies, including “Gravity” and Ms. Ann Merchant, Science & Entertainment Exchange also discussed their roles as science advisor and writers and how science is finding a bigger place on the silver screen. The event was sponsored by CSW-YCC, the Marymount science club, and SAACS-UMD. The Program-in-a-Box was supported by the ACS Committee on Local Section Activities and the ACS Young Chemists Subdivision of the Division of Professional Relations and co-sponsored by the ACS YCC, ACS Office of Public Affairs, ACS Webinars® and Proctor & Gamble.