CSW Events

109 posts

Join CSW in celebrating National Chemistry Week, October 15-21 2023

The Outreach Committee encourages the CSW Community to celebrate the National Chemistry Week. Activity ideas and educational resource can be found at this link. Please let the Committee know about your events and/or if you have any questions about activities. A great way to participate in National Chemistry week is to […]

CCEW – Rockville Science Day – April 23, 2023

The theme this year for Chemists Celebrate Earth Week-CCEW is “The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae”. CSW in collaboration with the Montgomery College STEM ED Club will be celebrating Earth Week during the Rockville Science Day, RSD 2023, at Montgomery College, Rockville Campus. The event is on Sunday, April 23 […]

Congratulations to ACS Members celebrating 50, 60 and 70 Years in 2022

The Chemical Society of Washington congratulates the members of the American Chemical Society who have reached their 50th, 60th, and 70th membership anniversary in 2022! It is a pleasure to recognize this milestone and to acknowledge your contributions to the success of the ACS. View our Recognized Members! Historically, to celebrate […]

Virtual CSW Meeting “Leveraging the Chemistry Classroom for Impact” with Chidi Duru, PhD., NBCT – December 14th, 6 P.M.

Chidi Duru, PhD., NBCT National Board Certified Chemistry/Science Teacher, Science Department Chair Crossland High School (Prince George’s County Public Schools) “Leveraging the Chemistry Classroom for Impact” Virtual CSW Meeting December 14, 2022 – 6:00-7:00 ET The Chemical Society of Washington would like to congratulate Dr. Chidi Duru on earning the […]

CSW Virtual Meeting – November 16, 2022 6:30 p.m. ET – “Chemical Commercialization: What to Know about Federal Regulations” – recording is now available

Program Description This program will address the federal regulations at issue in chemical commercialization, from R&D to commercial sales.  For example, laboratory synthesis of chemicals is regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act, if synthesis is conducted with the goal of eventually commercializing the substance produced.  If you are engaged […]

CSW Monthly Meeting – May 24, 2022 – features Panel Discussion on Chemistry and the Law – Recording is now available

This event is over. A recording of the session is available – view here. Please join the Chemical Society of Washington (CSW) on May 24, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00pm ET for a virtual meeting with a panel discussion “Science and The Law: Chemistry, Engineering and Intellectual Property”.  During this one-hour […]

CSW and TechBridge Girls invite you to join in on April 30, 2022 for a STEM event to inspire and engage young girls for careers in science

DATE: April 30, 2022TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ET This event will be presented via Zoom and is FREE, but you must register to participate. Register now Welcome and Introduction – CSW 2022 President, LaKesha Perry “What inspired you to become Chemists?” – Speakers, Dr. Pritha Roy and Dr. […]