When most people picture a chemist, they think of a man with crazy hair, wearing a white lab coat and safety glasses, carefully preparing solutions in volumetric flasks, and poring over data. Other than being female and having rather boring hair, I fit nicely within that stereotype. I currently work […]
CSW Original Articles
Mark your calendars: National Chemistry Week is October 18-24, 2015! National Chemistry Week is an annual event, which unites ACS local sections, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. By celebrating NCW, we can reach the public, particularly elementary and secondary school […]
New Frontiers with Data Exploration Data are a valuable national asset, as highlighted in the first part of this Open Science series. Big, open, interoperable data and technology are transforming society, science, and medicine by unlocking new answers to complex questions previously unsolvable. Data also underlie science, guiding evidence-based endeavors […]
Nothing makes my blood boil quite like lying. Not the white lies that we all tell from time to time. It’s the lies that come disguised as truth in the form of misinformation. Lately, Congress and the general public have discussed several chemistry-related issues, anywhere from climate change to exposure […]
What do you call a scientist who isn’t a scientist? *** Ask any Regular Jane off the street what they picture when they picture a scientist and they’ll likely say one of two things: a white lab coat or Albert Einstein. It’s a very common perspective, but it’s also increasingly […]
By Tao Ye I have lived in the U.S. for only one year. Journeying to Denver for the ACS National Meeting was my first trip to another big city – and my first conference – which made it special and exciting. At first, the two-hour jet-lag from DC to Denver […]
It’s hard to imagine a more chemistry-centric law than the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. The law is usually known by the acronym “TSCA” – Pronounced “tosca” and not to be confused with La Tasca – though pronounced essentially the same, La Tasca deals with things you may actually want to ingest whereas […]
A new data age is sweeping the nation. In February 2015, the White House hired the first-ever U.S. Chief Data Scientist, D.J. Patil, announcing that “the data age has arrived.” This accelerates Federal agency efforts to unleash the power of government data by making it available to everyone, as a […]
Money. We need it, want it, and never have enough of it to get by and be happy . Many of us, including myself, hoped that higher education would immediately result in a higher salary. It doesn’t always work that way. Additionally, the personal cost of education is rising, and […]
One of my favorite things that I get to do as a part of my job is travel to universities around the country and talk to young chemists about science and policy. It’s invigorating to talk to young scientists thinking through what they want their future career to look like. […]