Debra Rolison heads the Advanced Electrochemical Materials section at the NRL (also known as the U.S. Navy’s nanoarchitectural firm), where her research focuses on multifunctional nanoarchitectures for rate-critical applications, such as catalysis, energy storage and conversion, and sensors. She received a Ph.D. in Chemistry (UNC–CH, 1980) and is a Fellow […]
Capital Chemist
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are part of the open data and open source movement. Many view MOOCs as a disruptive innovation within education because these free, online learning modules challenge conventional norms and status-quo learning styles. The line between teacher and student becomes blurred, as many MOOCs rely […]
By Ajay Mallia & Richard Goodman CSW-Younger Chemists Committee and CSW-Environmental and Sustainability committee participated in an outreach event at Anacostia Environmental Youth Summit (AEYS, organized by District Department of Environment (DDOE)) on May 29, 2015 at Anacostia Park, Washington DC. This year 381 school students (from grades 4 to 8) […]
By Raina Robeva, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Sweet Briar College Surreal. That’s the word that best describes our life on the Sweet Briar campus for the last ten weeks. Imagine a community sobbing with grief and disbelief on one day, then turning sorrow into action on the next. Imagine professors […]
On March 3, 2015, the academic world changed. That day, the Board of Directors for Sweet Briar College announced that the college would be closed, citing “insurmountable financial challenges.” The announcement landed with a loud, painful thud on the Sweet Briar community, and the academic community writ large. The closing […]
By Jill Granger, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Chemistry I’ve seen it on their faces for weeks. My Sweet Briar College students are still there, still sitting in their usual seats, still going through their usual motions. But their faces are pained, their eyes puffy, their smiles gone. […]
Flipping through TV channels last month, I came across the TV show Shark Tank. Normally, I’d skip right by, but I caught it right at the beginning of the pitch, and when I saw the setup, my curiosity was piqued. For those of you who aren’t aware, Shark Tank is […]
Salutes to Excellence is a recognition award that gives ACS members an opportunity to underscore outstanding accomplishments, achievements or service for individuals who have made a positive impact on everyday life. Since the program began in 2000, more than 500 honorees have received Salutes to Excellence awards. CSW’s past president Kate […]
The ACS National Meetings are a unique experience. These biannual conferences bring together a massive gathering of chemists from all over the world to discuss their research and highlight the chemical experience. The Chemical Society of Washington wants to empower you to share in that experience. To do that, CSW […]
When most people picture a chemist, they think of a man with crazy hair, wearing a white lab coat and safety glasses, carefully preparing solutions in volumetric flasks, and poring over data. Other than being female and having rather boring hair, I fit nicely within that stereotype. I currently work […]