This message is being sent on behalf of ACS President Bonnie Charpentier I am reaching out to inform you about an opportunity your local section can be involved with to help celebrate the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT). Included is a draft resolution recognizing IYPT that you can […]
Topic: Quantum Computing: The Foundations for the Next Digital Era Date: April 4, 2019 (Thursday) Speaker: Dr. Elena Yndurain of IBM Time: 6:30 PM for networking (Talk begins 7:00 PM) Place: 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW (Tenley-Friendship Library), Upstairs Meeting Room, Washington, DC Live streaming: Available. […]
Topic: Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Predictable and Unpredictable Challenges of Regulating Machine Learning Systems Date: Thursday, 11 April 2019 06:30 PM Place: 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW (Tenley-Friendship Library), Upstairs Meeting Room, Washington, DC Livestreaming: Available. Must register. Speaker: Dr Daniel Greene of University of Maryland Registration: * Free * […]
Topic: Computing Medicine Date: April 30, 2019 (Tuesday) Speaker: Prof. Ophir Frieder of Georgetown University Time: 6:30 PM for networking (Talk begins 7:00 PM) Place: 1244 Oak Ridge Ave, McLean, VA (Dolley Madison Library), Meeting Room 2 Live streaming: Available. Must register. Registration: Abstract: Computing continues to change the […]
As part of the Chemists Celebrate Earth Day activities, the American Chemical Society is sponsoring an illustrated poem contest for K-12 students. Students are asked to write and illustrate a poem using the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week 2019 theme, “Take Note: The Chemistry of Paper.” This year’s theme looks at […]
Come and join us at Montgomery College for the 30th annual Rockville Science Day on Sunday, April 28, 2019, featuring a variety of science and technology-related exhibits, activities, games and demos. Activities and exhibits include rocket-building (and launching), telescope viewing, a travelling planetarium, all kinds of robots, backyard wildlife, ship […]
Chemists Celebrate Earth Week a program of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Theme: “Take Note: The Chemistry of Paper” Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) is a community-based program of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This annual program unites ACS local sections, student chapters, technical divisions, businesses, schools, and individuals in […]
The Thirty-fifth Annual Chemathon will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019. The Chemathon is an annual chemistry competition for high school chemistry students in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The Chemathon competition is organized by a committee of area high school chemistry teachers and chemists, and […]
Congratulations to all the students who received awards! See the full list of students receiving the award. We were pleased to be able to acknowledge these students at CSW’s February 14, 2019, dinner meeting, where we presented each with an award certificate and $25 Amazon gift card. These awards are […]
Dr. Lyle Isaacs was presented with the 2018 Hillebrand Prize for his elucidation of the remarkable molecular recognition properties of cucurbit[n]uril-type molecular containers and demonstration of their biomedical application as solubilizing excipients and reversal agents. Following the dinner, Dr. Isaacs presented his talk “Cucurbit[n]uril Molecular Containers: From Basic Science to […]