Yearly Archives: 2015

115 posts

Stories from Sweet Briar: The Closing of Sweet Briar College

On March 3, 2015, the academic world changed. That day, the Board of Directors for Sweet Briar College announced that the college would be closed, citing “insurmountable financial challenges.” The announcement landed with a loud, painful thud on the Sweet Briar community, and the academic community writ large. The closing […]

Travel Grants to the ACS National Meeting: Apply Now

The ACS National Meetings are a unique experience. These biannual conferences bring together a massive gathering of chemists from all over the world to discuss their research and highlight the chemical experience. The Chemical Society of Washington wants to empower you to share in that experience. To do that, CSW […]

Have You Started Preparing for National Chemistry Week?

Mark your calendars: National Chemistry Week is October 18-24, 2015! National Chemistry Week is an annual event, which unites ACS local sections, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. By celebrating NCW, we can reach the public, particularly elementary and secondary school […]