To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Manhattan Project, honor Manhattan Project veterans, and provide a preview of the new Manhattan Project National Historical Park, the Atomic Heritage Foundation is hosting events on Tuesday, June 2 and Wednesday, June 3, 2015. Both events will be open to the public and […]
Capital Chemist
Mark your calendars: National Chemistry Week is October 18-24, 2015! National Chemistry Week is an annual event, which unites ACS local sections, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. By celebrating NCW, we can reach the public, particularly elementary and secondary school […]
New Frontiers with Data Exploration Data are a valuable national asset, as highlighted in the first part of this Open Science series. Big, open, interoperable data and technology are transforming society, science, and medicine by unlocking new answers to complex questions previously unsolvable. Data also underlie science, guiding evidence-based endeavors […]
From ABC7: DAYTON, Md. (WJLA) — Students at a Maryland elementary school are giving up their recess to learn science. The “Chemistry Club” is held only once a month, but it’s already having an impact. At Dayton Oaks Elementary School in Howard County, budding young chemists are getting instructions for […]
On May 18-19, the free workshop Chemistry and Engineering of Shale Gas and Tight Oil Resource Development will bring together members of industry, government, and academia to discuss the role of chemistry and chemical engineering at each stage of the hydraulic fracturing process—from formulation of the chemicals and fluids that […]
Nothing makes my blood boil quite like lying. Not the white lies that we all tell from time to time. It’s the lies that come disguised as truth in the form of misinformation. Lately, Congress and the general public have discussed several chemistry-related issues, anywhere from climate change to exposure […]
Contributed by Ajay Mallia (Chair, CSW-SEED committee) **DEADLINE EXTENDED: Applications due May 15th, noon** For the past 45 years, ACS’ Project SEED has helped thousands of disadvantaged high school students who historically lack exposure to scientific careers by giving them an opportunity to conduct research at academic, industrial, […]
Please join CSW on Thursday, May 21, 2015 for a dinner meeting featuring Raleigh W. Parrott II, Chemist-Forensic Examiner for the Explosives Unit of the FBI Laboratory. Mr. Parrott is currently a Chemist –Forensic Examiner for the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, VA. His area of expertise is in the analysis […]
The annual election of Officers, Councilors, and Managers of the CSW will be held in November 2015 in accordance with the Bylaws and Standing Rules. All CSW Members are now invited and encouraged to submit nominations for the open positions. Self-nomination is acceptable. Elected members have general charge of the […]
The CSW Board of Managers met on March 30, 2015. At that meeting, the Board approved its minutes from the previously held meeting on February 2, 2015. The minutes from that meeting are below. February 2015 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes (PDF) Contact the Board of Managers at [email protected].