Each year as part of National Chemistry Week (NCW) activities, the American Chemical Society (ACS) sponsors an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten – 12th grades. Schools are encouraged to have a contest within the school as part of their classroom studies and submit one entry per grade category. […]
Section News
The Chemical Society of Washington (CSW) remembers a long-time CSW board member, Dr. Joseph Antonucci, who served as CSW President, Councilor, leader of the local Senior Chemists Committee, and beloved mentor. Joseph M. Antonucci passed away on Monday, April 26, 2021 at his home in Kensington, MD of natural causes. […]
To view a recording of the joint virtual meeting of the Chemical Society of Washington (CSW) and the Washington Chromatography Discussion Group (WCDG), please register at this link. Speaker BioTongtong is a Senior Scientist supporting the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC), managing development and modernization of FCC standards for food ingredients, as […]
Elise Ann Brown, NIH, USDA scientist Elise Ann Brown, 92, a research pharmacologist at the National Institutes of Health from 1962 to 1979 who then was a toxicologist with the Agriculture Department until her retirement in 2003, died Jan. 4 at her home in McLean, Va. The cause was metastatic pancreatic […]
If you missed the CSW March 11th meeting, you missed the presentation of CSW’s Outreach Volunteer of the Year award, but you can still hear the great presentation by Matt Hartings! We apologize that we failed to record the introduction of the speaker and the very beginning of his talk. […]
5:30 – 5:45 PM Presentation of the CSW Outreach Volunteer of the Year Award to LaKesha N. Perry5:45 – 6:45 PM Presentation by Dr. Matthew Hartings followed by Q & A View the recording of this event. This will be a Zoom meeting. There is no charge to attend, but […]
Register for this event!
Happy New Year to CSW members in 2021! It’s the beginning of a new year. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing for the near future, we’ve all had to adapt our lifestyles, work situations, and plans for 2020-2021. That said, I think there are some positives to the impossible life […]
Please join us for the monthly meeting on January 13, 2021, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held via Zoom. Please register here. There is no charge to participate, but you must register to receive the link. This month’s featured seminar will be “The Circular Economy of Plastics” presented […]
CSW would like to recognize all its members who have celebrated a special anniversary with ACS in 2020. Unfortunately, we were unable to do this in person in 2020 at an annual luncheon. Certificates were mailed to all Honorees and all 2020 Honorees will be included in the recognition luncheon […]