CSW Events
Given the warming weather and the potential of seeing an early cherry blossom, the Younger Chemists Committee will be exploring the If/ThenSheCan exhibit on the National Mall. We will meet up by the World War II memorial for a picnic lunch (bring your own lunch) before walking (or taking the […]
The Chemical Society of Washington is holding a joint event with Expanding Your Horizons (www.eyhn.org) May 25th 2019 , 9 am – 12:30 pm, at ACS Headquarters (1155 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036). Registration begins at 8:30 am. We are expecting about 50 middle and high school students. Students […]
Rigoberto Hernandez, Ph.D. Gompf Family Professor Chemistry Johns Hopkins Department of Chemistry Diverse Chemistry Topics and the Diversity of Chemistry Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez is the Gompf Family Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University as of July 2016, and remains as the Director of the Open […]
UPDATE: Around 20 local chemists attended to network, enjoy refreshments, and hear about upcoming YCC events in 2018. Thank you to everyone who attended and the staff at The Prospect for the great hospitality! Happy Holidays! (If you’re not receiving YCC emails and would like to be added to the […]
On Saturday, December 9th, the December CSW meeting will be held at Alfio’s La Trattoria, featuring a presentation by Dr. Carl G. Simon, Jr. This meeting is co-sponsored by the CSW Senior Chemists Committee. Logistics can be found below. Biography: Dr. Carl G. Simon, Jr Dr. Simon is a biologist […]
You are invited to our Section’s next 2017 meeting on Tuesday 12DEC2017, 11:30 – 13:00. If interested, register at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KZRVK2Q. Safety Systems was the #2 topic area requested by our members and friends in our 2017 survey. Earlier this year we hosted a three-hour workshop on Safety Instrumented System (SIS) functional safety, […]
On Thursday, November 16th, the November CSW meeting will be held at ACS Headquarters, featuring a presentation by Dr. Eugene Mazzola. Logistics can be found below. Biography: Dr. Eugene Mazzola Eugene P. Mazzola was born on Feb. 2, 1942 in Montclair, New Jersey. He obtained an A.B. degree in 1964 […]
President-Elect Christopher W. Avery Councilor Novella N. Bridges Monika I. Konaklieva John M. Malin N. Bhushan Mandava Sara Orski Jennifer Y. Tanir Secretary LaKesha N. Perry Manager Regina Cody Rebecca Frey-Cooper Zory R. Glaser Julius Green Mukes Kapilashrami Nevart Tahmazian Iris R. Wagstaff