Capital Chemist

601 posts


The George Washington University presents: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2019 • 2 PM GW SCIENCE & ENGINEERING HALL • ROOM B1220 RSVP: GO.GWU.EDU/CHEMFORUM • RECEPTION TO FOLLOW Global warming is an awfully dark cloud, but every cloud has a silver lining. The large quantities of CO2 becoming available on the market, […]

Call for Applications: 2020 Presidential Environmental Youth Award & Presidential Innovation Award

 EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Calls for Nominations for the 2020 Presidential Environmental Youth Awards and Presidential Innovation Awards for Environmental Educators Applications due by January 15, 2020 WASHINGTON (Nov. 7, 2019) — Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced that EPA’s Office of Environmental Education is now accepting applications […]

December 14, 2019 Appreciation Luncheon

Join us for a luncheon to honor CSW’s Members of 50, 60, and 70 years. The featured speaker will be Lois Ann Beaver, FDA, Retired, who will present, “Chemists Work To Avert Opioid Tragedies.” Speaker: Lois Ann Beaver, FDA, Retired Presentation Title: “Chemists Work To Avert Opioid Tragedies” Biography After […]

*Deadline Extended Until November 30th*: Call for Nominations for the Hillebrand and Schubert Awards

The nomination deadline for the Hillebrand Award and Schubert Award has been extended to November 30, 2019.  Nomination applications will be accepted during the entire month of November. Call for Nominations: William F. Hillebrand Prize Nominations are invited for the 2019 Hillebrand Prize, awarded annually for original contributions to the […]

CSW Bylaw Revisions: Please Review and Vote by November 15th!

The Chemical Society of Washington has drafted new bylaws for approval by the membership.  CSW’s current bylaws were adopted in 2005 and in the intervening 14 years much of its terminology and many of its provisions have either become outdated or have drifted out of harmony with expected practice for […]