Greetings CSW Members, In 2016, members of the CSW Board went through the process of developing a Strategic Plan for the organization in order to maximize its effectiveness. Some of the items decided upon at that time were later implemented, while others were not. In the intervening time, some of […]
Section News
Thanks to all the members who voted in the annual elections this year. As you know, revised bylaws were presented on the ballot for approval, as well. We appreciate the comments submitted with the election form. The Bylaws passed and will soon be posted on the CSW website after final […]
Thomas M. Connelly, Jr., Ph.D.Executive Director and CEOAmerican Chemical Societypresented a lecture on, “ACS and the Future of Chemistry Professions”
CSW and the Senior Chemists Committee recognized and honored ACS 50, 60, and 70 year members on Saturday, December 14, 2019, at a Joint Luncheon Meeting Thirteen of the 63 honorees were in attendance at the luncheon, held at Alfio’s La Trattorio Restaurant in Chevy Chase, and were presented with their […]
CSW Board of Managers voted on November 21st to accept a conduct policy for members and guests when participating in CSW/ACS events. A copy of the policy is included here, and will be updated in the Capital Chemist to the “About Us” section . Conduct Policy for the Chemical Society […]
Join us for a luncheon to honor CSW’s Members of 50, 60, and 70 years. The featured speaker will be Lois Ann Beaver, FDA, Retired, who will present, “Chemists Work To Avert Opioid Tragedies.” Speaker: Lois Ann Beaver, FDA, Retired Presentation Title: “Chemists Work To Avert Opioid Tragedies” Biography After […]
If you are a full CSW member and have a valid email address on file with The American Chemical Society, then on or about October 11th you received an email with instructions for accessing the secure voting website and candidate statements, along with a unique vote ID code. The ballot […]
The nomination deadline for the Hillebrand Award and Schubert Award has been extended to November 30, 2019. Nomination applications will be accepted during the entire month of November. Call for Nominations: William F. Hillebrand Prize Nominations are invited for the 2019 Hillebrand Prize, awarded annually for original contributions to the […]
The Chemical Society of Washington has drafted new bylaws for approval by the membership. CSW’s current bylaws were adopted in 2005 and in the intervening 14 years much of its terminology and many of its provisions have either become outdated or have drifted out of harmony with expected practice for […]